About. Alexander Stan Shimanov

Alexander «Stan» Shimanov

Graphic designer based in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia (born in 1980, USSR). 

Started as a web designer and developer in 1998, later in the end of 00's switched to graphic design. Now focused on lettering and font design.

As a designer I'm able to solve visual communication problems or challenges. In doing so, the designer must identify the communications issue, gather and analyze information related to the issue, and generate potential approaches aimed at solving the problem.

Please contact via e-mail stan1@mail.ru only.

I don't use any chat options in work. It's much important to have all project details written in thoughtful wаy.

How to get startеd

The most important thing that is required from the customer is an understanding of what result he needs. It is the reason why I ask you to send me:

  1. A brief but precise description of the design you require;
  2. Examples of design styles that you would like to receive your project;
  3. The number of sketches you would like to receive from me.

Как начать работу

Самое главное, что требуется от заказчика это понимание того, какой результат ему нужен. Именно по этой причине я прошу вас в запросе на работу прислать мне на имейл:

  1. Краткое, но конкретное описание требуемого вам дизайн;
  2. Примеры стилистики дизайна которые вам кажутся подходящими под ваш проект;
  3. Количество эскизов, которое вы хотите от меня получить.

Brands I work for


  • Mother Russia 
  • Родина
  • Sullen
  • Skills


  • Russia Olympic
  • Lonsdale
  • Dynamo
  • Spartak


  • Comedy Club Production
  • Централ Партнершип
  • Bazelevs
  • More.tv
  • Cetis


  • Canva
  • Lada
  • ГАЗ
  • Сбер